Beijing now has a KFC that scans your face and tells you what to order

The annus horribilis that was 2016 is finally over. As we enter the brave new world that is 2017, the kind folks at KFC have found a way to let us do less thinking and more handing over of our personal data to multinational companies. Setting a weird tone for the year to come, Chinese internet giant… Continue reading Beijing now has a KFC that scans your face and tells you what to order

KFC China is using facial recognition tech to serve customers – but are they buying it?

Walking into the KFC restaurant in Beijing’s financial district, you’d be forgiven for thinking it was a fried chicken outlet like any other. It’s only if you head right to the back corner of the shop that you realise you’re actually in China’s first smart restaurant. KFC has teamed up with Baidu – the search… Continue reading KFC China is using facial recognition tech to serve customers – but are they buying it?