Wanted: “An honest and responsive government”

What are the things that matter most to you? A good education? Better healthcare? Access to clean water? These are three of the most popular answers in the UN’s 2015 MY World consultation. Nearly 10 million from around the world voted for the six issues that they care about most, from a list of 16 options. It’s… Continue reading Wanted: “An honest and responsive government”

Has the public really had enough of experts?

“People in this country have had enough of experts.” This quote, from Michael Gove, was probably one of the most controversial statements of the EU referendum, prompting plenty of experts and commentators to take to the broadsheets in defence of their expertise. This was the question for discussion at the Institute for Government’s event this… Continue reading Has the public really had enough of experts?

How to find a fact: vanishing asylum seekers

"REVEALED: Britain’s immigration crisis laid bare as 12,000 asylum seekers VANISH" We spotted this headline last month. What was going on here? Had 12,000 asylum seekers actually disappeared into thin air? The implication of this article was that 12,000 asylum seekers who have arrived in the UK have been “lost” by Home Office officials: we don’t know… Continue reading How to find a fact: vanishing asylum seekers